
One letter from a daughter to both parents

I received a contribution letter recently and, as a parent of a daughter myself, I loved reading from a young girl how simply being who we are can make a big difference in someone’s life.  Whether we realize it or not, we are all role models for all the people with whom we come into […]

Does a Last Goodbye Letter have to be just a letter?

I don’t think so.  Here’s a “letter” that my daughter wrote to her grandpa as her way of saying “goodbye.”   I’ve gotten some “letters” that are cards, poems and eulogies.  I guess they could be artwork or songs, or I don’t know the limitations. Thank you for sending in your letters.  Thank you for […]

What would Dad say?

I had the nerve, about a month before my dad passed and while he could still somewhat sit up long enough to read e-mail, to tell him about this letters project that he inspired.  I thought I’d share what his response was. “Dear Sue:  Great idea.  I don’t know where you would get the material, […]

First Letter That Started It All

Happy Valentine’s Day! Some people have been asking me to post the first letter that I wrote to my dad and which started this thought process of publishing others’ letters to their parents with the hopes that they will bring comfort and joy to those reading them.  It’s an appropriate day to post this because, […]