It’s OK To Write A Goodbye Letter In Spurts – Taking Your Time Can Be Helpful
Someone asked recently if a goodbye letter (or any letter) should be written in one sitting to “get all the feelings out and onto the page.” While this may work for some people, others find that writing the letter over time can be helpful. Writing a goodbye letter, whether to a loved one, a friend, […]
How Do You Say Goodbye To A Dying Friend?
Reverend Walter Albritton Recently Reverend Walter Albritton wrote an article in the Opelika-Auburn News asking the question that the website strives to answer: What to say to a person when you know you are saying goodbye forever? It is so difficult, especially during a very emotionally charged moment, to write a letter to a loved […]
Searching For Goodbye Letters For Book
The Arizona Republic helped us get the word out that we are seeking letter submissions for our website and book. Here is a that story: Spotlight on … Susan Geer Susan Geer of Gilbert has embarked on an ambitious project: She is looking for “last goodbye letters” to develop an inspirational book.She’s created a website, […]
When Faced With Goodbye, Write A Letter
“One of these days, I’m gonna sit down and write a long letter, to all the good friends I’ve known.” – Neil Young ASU Now featured a story on our letter writing project. You can read it online here: CLICK HERE FOR ONLINE STORY Or the entire article is below: After the recent passing of […]
Saying Goodbye, One Letter At A Time
Local woman seeks letters for a book about letting go of a loved one. While planning a trip to Colorado to visit her ailing father last year, Susan Geer had an epiphany. As the realization settled in that the next time she saw him would probably be her last chance to say goodbye, she sat […]
A Dying Mother’s Letter To Her Daughters
A friend of mine sent me this link and I wanted to share it with you. Julie expresses herself so beautifully and with practicality that I find inspiring: Julie Yip-Williams’ Letter To Her Daughters If you want to read more, Julie’s memoir, The Unwinding of the Miracle, is available to read. If you want to […]
Yad Vashem Launches Online Exhibit – Last Letters From The Holocaust: 1944
This website is a historical treasure of letters and photos. Nothing I can write here will do justice to the emotions this online exhibit creates in the viewer. Last Letters From The Holocaust: 1944 Luigi and Anna Ventura 1927 — Photo from Ya Vashem Document Archive After looking through the exhibit, I feel stronger […]
Tom Bodett Talks About “Realizing How Much That Letter Changed My Life”
I’m a fan of The Moth Radio Hour. If you ever have a chance to see a live Moth performance, you should treat yourself. However, most of the time I only get to listen on the radio. Today I heard episode 1412 which included a story by humorist Tom Bodett. In the narrative, Tom […]
Writing As Grief Therapy–A Healing Process
Chaplain JTC, III with AllCare Hospice in Tulsa, Oklahoma ministers to those in their last days of life. He allowed me to share this article about writing to heal with you. It talks about guilt, regret, forgiveness, gratitude and acceptance. Here’s a link to the Chaplain’s story: Starting the writing process isn’t hard–just decide to […]
Why wait? Write a love letter to your mom for Mother’s Day!
I wrote a letter to my mother a couple of Mother’s Days ago and I wanted to share her reaction after reading it. Fortunately for me, she left me a voice message and I can listen to her happy response over and over–especially when I’m feeling a little blue, it picks me up to know […]